Content marketing is a term you might hear more and more of. It’s the marketing of your content to an audience. However, it can be challenging when trying to take on a brand new project or starting from scratch in your journey as a blogger/marketer/writer. 

This article addresses ways to conquer these challenges and reach your ultimate target, getting more content marketing opportunities.

What Are Content Marketing Challenges?

Content marketing is creating and distributing valuable content to attract, convert, and retain leads and customers. Businesses of all sizes use a strategic approach to develop and share relevant information that helps them achieve their goals. 

But even if you have a strong content strategy, there are still likely to be challenging. In this blog section, we’ll explore some of the most shared content marketing challenges and offer advice on overcoming them. 

There are as many different areas of focus on content marketing for your company, and it’s easy to get caught up in too many ideas and initiatives. Instead, create a list of your goals for that year and set realistic deadlines for each one.

How do you define success in terms of your content marketing strategy? For example: Is it profitable growth or revenue targets? What else do you want your content to accomplish? Are there other areas that need improvement? 

There are so many goals that could be important that you need to prioritize them all. Don’t forget to keep an eye on the big picture when planning your content marketing strategy.

Content Marketing Challenges

Start With a Clear Goal In Mind: What are you trying to achieve with your content marketing efforts? Once you have a goal in mind, creating content that meets that goal will be easier.

Create Consistent, Quality Content: This means writing engaging and helpful articles for your audience. Make sure to focus on relevant topics for your business and audience.

Connect With Your Audience: Building relationships with your readers is vital for successful content marketing. Engage them by asking questions, sharing reactions to your posts, and participating in discussion forums.

Use Social Media: Share links to your articles on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and other social media sites. You can also include short quotes from your posts in email messages and other communications.

Paid Advertisements: Promote your content through paid advertising campaigns and other methods. Including a link to your latest post at the bottom of your web pages is one way to quickly and inexpensively promote content. 

Email Marketing: Establish a list of people interested in your content’s subject matter and who would benefit from it. Email this list regularly about new posts and special offers you send to this group.

It’s a great way to inform your audience about new posts on your website, special offers, and more with an Email newsletter.

Link Building: Make sure that all the links on your site lead directly to your blog or other pages containing value content for your readers. Please list all of the articles you write on your website, and make sure that there are at least two links to each article (one for the menu and one for the article itself).

Self Learning: Educate yourself by reading some great bloggers like Derek Halpern or others who post blog posts on your particular niche or industry. Reading their insightful posts will help you decide what to write, who to write about, and how you should write.

Your Brand Voice: Your brand voice is the tone and attitude you use when communicating with your audience. It’s the language of your blog, social media posts, and other content. When creating content, use your brand voice to reflect your overall mission and message.

Here are a few tips to help you develop a strong brand voice:

Be Authentic: Your audience will trust you more if you’re genuine and honest. If you don’t believe in what you’re saying, why would your audience?

Use Relatable Examples: When writing about your brand, focus on relevant topics for your audience. Showcase how your products or services have helped others in similar situations. This will connect with readers on an emotional level.

Use Persuasive Language: When writing about brand strategy or marketing tactics, use language that encourages readers to take action. For example, describe how implementing specific strategies will boost traffic and conversions or show how using a new platform can help increase brand awareness.

Be Clear And Concise: When writing about complex topics, ensure everything is easily understood by the average reader. Stick to short sentences, paragraphs, and paragraphs within sections that are easy to follow.

Use Illustrations: When describing complex and tricky concepts, use visual aids such as infographics, photographs, and diagrams to help readers visualize the information you’re sharing.

Appeal To Your Ideal Reader: People may be interested in what you have to say, but they aren’t always going to take action. Be sure you’re writing for an audience likely to do something with what you have shared so they will stay invested in your content even after they finish reading it.

Set Content Goals: Aim high when writing about content marketing strategy or tactics. Content marketing aims to drive traffic, leads, and sales for your business or website, so focusing on how you write can help you achieve this goal without compromising your integrity.

Back-Linking:  Emphasize research, facts, and data over opinion and conjecture. If you’re going to be sharing someone else content, make sure you cite your sources in the post and include a link back to their blog/website as well as any other sources where applicable.

Adding Tags: Add “tags” that relate directly to your post at appropriate points throughout so that people searching for similar keywords can easily find it. Tags can benefit your blog and help you track what is relevant to your content. 

Optimizing Blog Posts For Performance

You can do a few things to optimize your blog posts for performance. 

Use Long Titles And Short H2s

A long title will draw the user in, and a short H2 will make it easy for them to scan the post. This helps you focus on what’s important and get your message across quickly. 

Use Photos And Videos

Photos and videos help break up text and add visual interest to your posts. They also help you capture attention, essential for driving click-through rates (CTRs) and creating conversion rates. 

Write Concisely

Keep your posts concise. Go beyond the basics and provide insights to help your readers take action. Use keywords throughout your post so that users can find related content later on.

Keep Your Posts Fresh

Make sure your blog posts are updated frequently. This helps ensure that users see fresh content, which leads to increased engagement and CTRs. It also keeps people coming back for more, leading to conversion rates.


As a business owner, you know that content marketing is essential to your success. But with so many challenges facing businesses today, it cannot be easy to stay on track and produce high-quality content. 

This article highlighted some of the most shared content marketing challenges and provided tips on overcoming them. Whether you’re new to content marketing or want to improve your results, our advice will help you get started.