Big Data is an umbrella term for the three types of data: unstructured, semi-structured, and structured. The three different types of data are structured, unstructured, and semi-structured. But big data management is not just about handling these three types of data but also managing them in a way that provides value to your company. So, let’s understand what data management is and its strategies.

What Is Big Data Management?

Big data management is handling large amounts of data that are too difficult to process using traditional methods. The term often refers to big data storage, analysis, and curation.

Big data management is a relatively new field, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution for managing big data. The organization’s unique needs will determine the best course of action.

There are a few key considerations for effective big data management:

1. Storage: How will you store all of your data? You’ll need a system that can handle large amounts of data efficiently.

2. Analysis: How will you analyze your data? You’ll need the right tools and techniques to make sense of all the information.

3. Curation: How will you keep your data organized and accessible? You’ll need to develop a system for curating your data so that it’s easy to find and use.

Steps To Big Data Management

Are you looking to get started in big data management? Here are some key steps to get you started on your big data journey:

1. Define your goals and objectives

Before embarking on any big data project, defining what you hope to achieve is essential. Do you want to improve decision-making? Boost efficiency? Get a better understanding of your customers. Once you know your goals, you can better determine which data sets will be most helpful in achieving them.

2. Collect and organize your data

Data comes in all shapes and sizes, so the first step in managing it is to collect it all in one place. This can be carried out manually or automatically using tools like web scraping. Once you have all your data, you need to organize it into a format that can be easily analyzed. This typically involves putting it into a spreadsheet or database.

3. Clean and prepare your data

Before you can analyze your data, you must ensure it is clean and accurate. This involves removing duplicates, standardizing formats, and filling in missing values. Once your data is clean, you can run various analyses to uncover insights.

4. Interpret your results and take action

After running your analyses, it is time to interpret the results and decide what to do next. This may involve changing your business operations, developing new products or services, or changing your marketing strategy. Whatever actions you take, track the results so you can continue to improve your decision making over time.

Different Types Of Big Data

Big data comes in four different flavours:

1. Structured data: This can be easily stored in a traditional database. It is typically numerical data that has been organized in a specific way.

2. Unstructured data: This cannot be easily stored in a traditional database. It includes things like images, videos, and text documents.

3. Semi-structured data: This data has some structure, but not as much as structured data. It includes things like XML files and JSON objects.

4. Streaming data: This is constantly changing data, such as live sensor readings or social media posts.

Strategies For Big Data Management

Big data is usually characterized by high volume, velocity, and variety. Big data sets are often too large and complex for traditional data management tools and techniques. The first step to managing big data is understanding what it is and how it’s different from conventional data sets.

There are a few key strategies for managing big data effectively:

1. Data discovery: The first step is understanding your data and its use. This involves exploring the data set, identifying patterns, and understanding the relationships between different data points.

2. Data cleansing: Once you understand the data set, cleaning up any inaccuracies or inconsistencies is essential. This step will make the data set more manageable and easier to work with.

3. Data warehousing: Storing big data in a centralized repository can help you better organize and manage the data set. This also makes it easier to access the data for analysis and reporting purposes.

4. Data mining is extracting valuable information from big data sets. This can involve finding trends, identifying customer preferences, or uncovering the hidden relationship between different data points.

5 . Data visualization: This is a way of representing big data sets in a visually appealing way. This can help you to understand the data set better and make better decisions about how to use it.


Big data can be overwhelming, but with the right tools and strategies in place, it can be an invaluable asset to your business. If you’re new to big data management, this guide should have given you a good overview of the basics. Start by identifying your business’s most critical data sets and create a system for collecting, storing, and analyzing that data. With a little bit of effort, you’ll be well on your way to making big data work for you.