Social Media Basics to Get More Followers on Facebook – Quick

Social media may be fun and creative, but it’s not easy. As social media marketing specialists, we have to stay on top of the latest trends and techniques 24/7, finding out what’s going viral, how content is affected by algorithms, new tools and features, what’s working – and what’s not. Having said that, there are a few basic ways you can improve the performance of your social media accounts, which we’ve written up to help guide your marketing efforts.

#1 – Upgrade Your Profile and Photos

Take a look at Otto IT’s Facebook page. Credit where it’s due, it’s a real beaut! Attractive, professional, and informative, it draws you in from the moment you arrive. While on the page, see how quickly you can find out what the business does, who its audience is, their purpose, and their brand voice.

Now, look at your own Facebook business page and see if you could do the same if you were a first-time visitor.

If not, you need to start by creating a great first impression. That means high-quality images that are relevant and eye-catching, accurate and comprehensive contact details and a good description of who you are and what you do.

#2 – Get Involved in the Community

Sure, you want people to like and follow your page, so it’s time to like and follow theirs! It will help build your visibility and grow your brand faster – especially when you target the right people.

If you are a B2B business, follow businesses that are clients as well as those that could benefit from your services. If you are B2C, follow and advertise on community pages (within guidelines) to get exposure to local customers.

Don’t just spam people and groups, but stay mindful and respectful of advertising rules, who you are connecting with, and their relevance to your content and offers.

#3 – Be Active and Engaged

Social media is no one-way street, so don’t just post continually and wait for followers to stampede towards your website. Take the time to be actively involved on Facebook, replying to comments and messages on your page. In addition, you should comment and like relevant posts belonging to other accounts and people you follow. Remember to take a genuine and authentic approach with no spam or hard-sell advertising. Weigh in with your thoughts and opinion, and always remember to stay true to the values of your brand.

#4 – Use Hashtags

Hashtags provide your business with another way to get found online, connecting with users searching for similar content or services. When using hashtags, stick to no more than 5-7, and make sure they connect with the content you are posting as well as your brand identity.

For many businesses in a less formal space, this is a great opportunity to have a little fun and get creative, using a blend of SEO keywords and your brand hashtag alongside some funnier or silly options. For example, if you’re sharing IT support content, you can use hashtags like #ITsupport and #IThelp, as well as #ITmakesmecry, #Whydoestechhateme, #Productivityemergency, and #CarkedIT.

Want to build brand awareness on Facebook and get more followers but not sure where to start? Our digital marketing team will help you position your brand, build an active and trust-based relationship with your customers, and manage all your social media content. Contact us today for expert digital marketing and branding strategies that make all the right connections.